Join Amy & Limber Mind & Body Wellness for a vibrational healing sound bath. Amy will play the Tibetan sing bows, crystal bowls, and gong to assist the mind down into meditation. When the mind is able to switch into meditation it allows the body to release & heal. Amy clears each guest down to the cellular level by walking around and infusing each guest with new, clean, vibrating energy.
According to quantum physics, every cell is made up of small pieces of vibrating matter joined together by magnetic forces. It is believed that during illness or disease the vibration in the cells is less effective or there is a reduction in the frequency of the vibration. Alternative health practitioners theorize that while your body is exposed to healing sounds, the sound vibration helps to raise the frequency of your body which brings health and spiritual enhancement.
Please bring items required to lay comfortably on the floor. Yoga mat, blankets, pillows, eye pillows.
Reserve your spot by venmo-Amy-craver-3, or on the vagaro app!